User management

User management includes managing users of accessing your Marjory environment and managing your own account.

How to manage users

The Organization menu, allows you to view and manage all users working within your Marjory environment.

The Organization main page, lists the created users in the Operator environment with the following informations: Username, Name, Email, Role.

From the Organization view you can - Add a user, manage user and request the reset of a user's password.

Add a user

Only users with Owner and Admin roles can add a user.

To create a new user, click on the Add user button and fill the form with the informations - username, first name, last name, the role to be assigned to the new user and a temporary password.

The user will receive an e-mail containing his access details.

Manage user

Only users with Owner and Admin roles can manage users.

Activate/Deactivate a user

A deactivated user will not be allowed to access Marjory.

Update the user role

Marjory roles description

Delete a user

By clicking on Delete user, a pop up is displayed so you can validate the user deletion. Be careful, this deletion is definitive.

Reset user password

By clicking on Reset user password, an e-mail will be sent to the related user with the instructions to set up a new password.

How to manage my account


  1. First, click on your icon’s name, in the top-right.

  2. Then, in the menu showed, click on “My Account”.

Changing my informations

  1. A new tab will open and you will have access to your account and change your email, first name, last name.

  2. Once all the changements made, save and return to you.

Changing my password

  1. Click on the password menu item, in the left column

  2. Enter your new password

  3. Confirm your new password

There’s not restrictions for the password, but we strongly recommends to use at least 8 characters and symbols with a mix of lower and uppercases.


The tab sessions allows to know how many sessions are opened at the same time.

  1. Clic on the sessions tab to access to the information

  2. Once there, you will see all the sessions open with the IP number, Started date, last access, the expiring date and the espace concerned.

  3. If you want to log out all the sessions, you can clic on “log out all sessions”

How to process tasks

In the Tasks page you will find all the user tasks related to instances.

A task is:

  • Ready - when awaiting a user to complete the associated form.

  • Completed - when the user completed the form and published the data.

Once accessed you can complete the form and publish it. The task becomes Complete.

Last updated